Posts Tagged with "pop culture"

The queen's gambit and chess fitness lessons

Fitness And Life Lessons From Chess And The Queen’s Gambit

This afternoon, I’m sitting and writing in the famous New York City chess parlor, Chess Forum on Thompson Street in Greenwich Village, just a block from Washington Square Park. I’ve just wrapped up some blitz…

Hank Moody Californication

Eight Hank Moody (Californication) Quotes I’ve Added to My Lexicon

I used to be one of those losers who didn’t watch TV. Not because I didn’t like it or anything, but because I thought watching TV would rot my brain cells, or something. I slurped…

superhero workout

What IS The Superhero Workout?

Roman gives a some information about the Super Hero Workout–AND a free sample!

Bill Phillips, Moby Dick & the Situation Image

Bill Phillips, Moby Dick & the Situation

I can’t write a description fitting enough for this crazy post. It’s a lot of rambling.