Posts Tagged with "kettlebells"

kettlebell deadlift

How to Kettlebell Deadlift: Benefits, Common Mistakes, and Variations

In a world where everybody seems to be building out their own dope-ass home gyms, a common question I get all the time is “if I could only buy a few pieces of equipment, what…

My “Problem” with Kettlebells

Roman gives a breakdown of his opinions on kettlebell training, concerning dogma, posterior chain work, and a sample workout from kettlebell expert Neghar Fonooni, author of Lean & Lovely.

But What Do You Do For Cardio?

Roman gives a list of his top 9 cardio workouts, and explains why he hates to love and loves to hate it.

Baby Got Back

Roman gives a break down of 5 of the best exercises for glute training; get stronger, faster, fitter, sexier.