Saturdays with Roman, Episode 2

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On Gratitude, Charity, and Mentorship

Welp, it’s Saturday, which means it’s time for a new Saturdays with Roman video. And, I’d like to use this as a chance for me to say thank you to YOU, dear reader.

Since it happened to be around the Thanksgiving season, this seemed appropriate. Along with that, some nifty announcements in business, friends, family, fancy advisor roles, aaaand updates on Engineering The Alpha – my baby. All of which I’m thankful for. More so than words can describe.

Engineering The Alpha would not be even close to the same without my co-author, Adam Bornstein. As well, my Publisher and Editors are a god-send. I loves them.

I am fortunate to be able to live my life how I want, travel, spend time with those who stimulate me, and give back by dedicating money to charity. I explain why this is important, and how I go about it.

With that in mind, the Roman Super Pack is announced. EVERY SINGLE ONE of my programs, one stoopid price, half the proceeds to charity, half to give back to you in some way.

I address the topic of my mentorship program. Out of 90 applicants and essays, 3 were  finally chosen. 2 payed, 1 un-payed. A woman joins the RFS ranks. Their names are announced, each is handsomely profiled, and I dig into why I chose each of them. This wasn’t an easy decision, and my reasons for choosing are very clear.

This is a massive new step forward in the RFS empire, and is another way I aim to “pay it forward” as others have for me.

Finally, I delve into random questions from the BookFace (If you haven’t already, get over there, it’s a good time) and shenanigans in movies, Bond recommendations, football, pop culture and sex.

It’s pretty fun. Chiggity-check this:

SO! What do you think?

A lengthly episode, yes, but a hell of a way to spend a Saturday morning. I KNOW you love looking at half of my face.

Questions for YOU:

  • Have you connected with the Interns yet?

  • Did you pick up the Super Pack and other goodies?

  • Where do you think Saturdays With Roman should go?


Drop some love in the comments (NOT YouTube) and let’s get this party started.

About the Author

John Romaniello is a level 70 orc wizard who spends his days lifting heavy shit and his nights fighting crime. When not doing that, he serves as the Chief Bro King of the Roman Empire and Executive Editor here on RFS. You can read his articles here, and rants on Facebook.

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